Achieve optimal health and wellness activating your metabolism re-programming!

IMON METHODOS, the most breakthrough scientific wellness approach based
on Hippocrates doctrines and practices combining the gnosis with the state-of-the-
art science.
Realizing the importance and benefits of genomics, metabolomics, transcriptomics,
proteomics epigenetics and their influences on personalized nutrition and exercise,
IMON METHODOS can activate metabolic reprogramming in just a few days.
Through proper metabolic roads the cellular function can be reset and re-balanced
and the person can change health status from dis-crasia to eucrasia!
It is hyper – personalized using highly specialized medical-nutritional-exercise and
metabolic – key indicators. They are derived from special algorithms and can:
– assess phenotype characteristics, predict and reverse the negative health
effects of the individual’s metabolic and genetic profile
– provide precise health diagnosis and prognosis
– intervein dynamically through targeted health and wellness proposals,
programs, therapies
– achieve health and wellness goals (prevention, longevity, rejenuvation,
immunity boost, perfect body structure etc. )
The method is scientifically proven, wide scale tested (more than 30.000 users) and
